Thursday, September 04, 2008

Update on the Master project - we have art!

So, if anyone cares, and if anyone has faith that I'll ever finish it (I certainly don't), here's the first smash of art. I'm doing it my usual style - fairly realistic, a bit comic book-y, but not too stylised. Mainly I'm just obsessing about getting the details right.

Yes. I know I forgot the celery. I always forget to draw the celery, and I don't know why as its hardly an obvious omission. I'm happy with the colours though. Cute, isn't it?

On the other team will be these easily recognisable fellows:

You might recognise them as SimmMaster and DelgadoMaster. If you don't, then I'm in more trouble than I thought. The reason I've only posted two of the Masters is that the other two STILL look nothing like their TV counterparts. But I think these two are great.

Excited now, aren't you? Next installment - Nyssa and Tegan, and hopefully another Master.

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