Monday, September 29, 2008

Pwning the BBC FAQ

It doesn't surprise me that people are asking the questions, but there is something so patronising in some of the answers that it deserved a little mockery.

Genuine questions:

How do I know Doctor Who is safe for my children to watch?
It’s a children’s show, tosspots. However, if we actually make an episode for children – Aliens of London, say – then we will be crucified by angry classic fans, who remember the challenging creations such as the Cybermats, Myrka or Kandyman...

Can I put Doctor Who on YouTube or distribute it via file sharing services such as Bittorrent?
No, but we know you’re going to do it anyway.

I missed an episode of Doctor Who. Can you send me a DVD?

Where is Doctor Who filmed? Can I visit them filming the show?

Where is Doctor Who filmed? Can I visit the set?

Will Doctor Who ever be filmed in HD (High Definition)?

Every question related to getting involved in the show

No, a polite no, but still no.

I want to make the Doctor's Coat. Can I have the plans and materials used?
How does the Doctor get his hair like that? What wax/gel does he use?
How can I get a pair of glasses just like the Doctors?

We are going to politely decline to answer these questions; but the BBC do record every email we get for staff purposes (i.e. laughing at them during tea breaks)

Are the Time Lords really dead?
We don't know

What exactly happened in the Time War?
We don't know.

What about the Master? How can he survive/come back?
We don't know. "At this time there are no current plans for his return." Which is exactly the same statement we were given before Utopia. And just after.

How many regenerations does the Doctor have?
Genuine quote: "Now that his people are gone, who knows? Time Lords used to have 13 lives."

Translate: "Now that the franchise is making the BBC megabucks, who knows? Time Lords used to have 13 lives, but only since Mawdryn Undead; and as that screws up UNIT continuity, I think we can ignore it entirely."

Will this monster/character ever return to Doctor Who?
If we think we can sucessfully re-milk the merchandise

Is Captain Jack Harkness really the Face of Boe? Jack can't die, but the Face of Boe does. How come? How can he become Pregnant?
RTD was making it up as he went along

What were the Doctor's last words to Rose in the episode 'Doomsday'?
"...have herpes"

And this one, I quote in full, because it is hilarious:

Yes, on his mum's side. It was established in the Doctor Who TV Movie; however purists tend to disregard this.

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