Sunday, July 05, 2009

Torchwood - Golden Age

Yesterday, I used my review of Asylum as a platform to bitch off at all the facets of Torturewood - sorry, Torchwood - that irritate me. I think that happy nostalgia I feel towards it is diminishing the closer I get to actually having to watch some.

So I'm happy to redress the balance by going on the opposite tangent for Golden Age. Because there are things I like about Torchwood, and possibly my favourite is Early, Steampunk Torchwood. If only they would take Fragments' Victorian Torchwood, or To the Last Man's 40s war-era, and build a show around them! I'd automatically be more sympathetic were the characters in corsets and cravats.

Torchwood India - brilliant! Obviously, Queen V. would have Torchwoods established all over the British Empire. It was instantly atmospheric, Ghostlight-y, and I loved all the period touches. The plot wasn't complicated, the villain instantly obvious, and like many a Torchwood episode, everything was resolved by merely standing around and chatting. But who cares? The sheer idea of it was wonderful. I also loved the supporting characters, and particularly the Duchess who was believeably nuts.

"Miss me?"
"Only just."

I wish they'd spinoff the spinoff to an older era...instead of ripping off Buffy-CSI, dump John Barrowman with an elephant gun, some adventuresses in hooped skirts and some fellows in pith-helments, arm them with retro-futuristic gear, all brass and pistons, and send them off to fight mid-century alien threats.

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