Thursday, April 02, 2009

Some thoughts on the Planet of the Dead trailer

  1. Oh look, the titular "planet" isn't Skaro or Gallifrey, or any otherwise deceased Classic location. Why am I not suprised, and why did everyone get so excited about the possibility in the first place?

  2. ...unfortunately, why am I reminded of Pitch Black?

  3. ...or Smith and Jones, Midnight and Voyage of the Damned?

  4. Yet I'll be the first to admit that Doctor Who is always derivative. And the task of a trailer is to sum up the situation as succinctly as possible - which unfortunately tends to highlight the basic nature of the plot more than its individuality. Midnight looked appalling when trailed. The bottom line, is you can never judge this show by its trailers because a trailer will always be "look where we've landed - what on earth is that? -oh Doctor it's coming!"

  5. Tis a nicely edited trailer. Very atmospheric. I was anticipating fast edits, but I hope the slow pace and lovely music anticipate the style of the episode itself. I especially love the Doctor's quiet voice continuing over the BBC logo.

  6. I love him. I really, really love him.

  7. Onto the assistant - I'm not using the "c" word, can you think what a mess these specials are going to make of the companion debate?! Why have they hired Gwen Cooper?

  8. "Death". Just before the trailer, Friend 4 mentioned that the new series is being accused of racism on the grounds that the Doctor is really unpleasant to Martha and Mickey, and a higher proportion of white characters survive. Apparently, someone has gone through and counted. I won't rule out the possibility that, on an individual basis, maybe some of the episodes have an agenda going on, consciously or not. But on the whole, I think it's a rather desperate line of enquiry. I wonder whether they count, say, Chantho's death as part of the all-white agenda or not? In any case as soon as this woman appeared on screen, my first reaction was "Hmmm, I wonder whether she's going to make it through the episode?". And I decided no, probably not. There's an early bet for you. In other news, I recognise her. It's not unusual, cross-pollination is intense on British TV. I wonder where from?

  9. It's nice to thoroughly rule out the possibility that the red London bus is anything to do with Iris. Unfortunately, I travel on London busses on a daily basis - and considering I already get excited that my commute passes Henrietta Street having one in an episode may result in a daily dose of fansquoon.

  10. How on earth are they going to avoid that massive CGI swarm?!

  11. Dialogue seems pretty crappy. But see no. 4 - a one minute trailer has to cut to the obvious stuff.

  12. I hope that really is the music. It's gorgeous.

  13. On the whole, I approve wholeheartedly and am more excited than I was before. I'm still not expecting it to be great - the sad truth about Doctor Who specials is that they just ain't that special. The downside is I'm starting to get very, very jumpy about that regeneration. It's a shame I'm going to spend the next year literally counting down minutes, but I'm still overjoyed for there to be more. 11 days!

  14. I've seen the trailer 7 times now. Need to stop. Oh go on, just once more...

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