Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas all!

Yesterday, my sister and I had a bet on. I bet that I would get 6 Whorelated items for Christmas; she capped it and said 7+

Christmas day is over, and while I'm sitting pretty on five lovely objects of desire I've still got my friends to factor in. Anyway, the haul for now is:

  • The Awakening/Frontios on video. Score! Though quite a sad one - they're the only two Turlough episodes I haven't seen, and it also brings me closer to running out of one Doctor's adventures (ed - Nine, OK but I didn't care at the time; Eight, OK but he exists more on audio anyway; Ten, as if I'd forgotten). Still they're meant to be good, which is why I ordered them. Expect me to put these off for some time however. See if I can beat my episode-postponing record of 264 days.
  • Exterminator trading cards - excellent! Even though I'm mainly collecting the Ultimate Monsters (the other collections are really quite dull. Oooh, I've got one of Cassandra's Doctors! Lucky me!), the odd pack from others is also fun because it cuts down the number of swaps you get. Battles in Time is really bad for this - you get the impression the "random" machine is quite faulty, because if you get one repeat in a pack, chances are you'll get several. This was demonstrated today when I got two "President"s in the same pack; but it was balanced out by getting an Ultra Rare TARDIS card, which one day I'll flog for £20 on eBay...
  • Dalek speaking slippers - say exterminate when you press them. And sometimes, when you don't, when you're just tiptoeing about. Hilarity ensues...
  • Cuddly Adipose - or rather, a message to the Doctor from the enslaved Adipose explaining that my present is late because their planet is besieged a.k.a. Forbidden Planet are lousy.
  • A big packet of jelly babies - which kept me going through tenser moments of the Xmas special.

Happy bunny? You bet. Now off to finish Earthshock - I've been trundling through all week, but decided to skip the second half so I wasn't morose for Christmas. Skipping Part 4s of upsetting episodes is a terrible, terrible habit to get into, and I realise I've done this three times recently...

*hangs around for Easter special*

Oh, and did you all hear about Harold Pinter? Pinter has absolutely nothing to do with Doctor Who, except perhaps a distant similarity with Midnight. His death today makes this fact even more upsetting - an episode by him would have been terrific. Bizzare, but terrific.

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